oAuth Client Test Bed

Client ID:
Client Secret:

1) Authorization

Pass your client ID to the the authorization URL (below). The user signs in and authorizes the app to have the requested permissions

The user is then redirected back to the Ridirect URL (below), along with an authorization, which can be used to get a token.

Authorization URL:
Redirect URL:

2) Convert the authorization into an authtoken

The authorization proves that the user gave your app permission, but the authorization is not secure because it was visible in the user's browser and if hijacked could be used by others

So now you convert it to a secure oAuth authtoken by passing that authorization back to the server - over a secure server-to-server channel (i.e., from your app, not using the browser) along with your client ID and secret, using the Token URL below.

The presence of the client ID and secret prove that your app is your app. If successful, an authtoken is returned.

Token URL

3. Use the authtoken to interact with the server

You can use "POST" for any of the actions, GET for only some of them (that don't require things like file upload)

You can request results in either XML or JSON

Resource URL:
(minus verb, other data)
Resource Action:
For JSONP, provide a callback name (&callback=...):
Additional URL data:
(will NOT be URL encoded)
Output/Result: (Click to Show)
Authorization result:
Token result: null
POST result:
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