8/3/2019 - N14008


Pascal Duchemin KHWD KHWD Could not land at HAF. South bay tour. Go around -------------- I had planned on going to KHAF and then go north for a bay tour. The TAF and Metar at the time seemed OK. However, ater passing KSQL I realized that the cloud coverage was too low to land at HAF and I could not go north due to the layer of clouds. I decided to follow the coast south until being around the same latitude as San Jose and cross back over the mountain. I could not get Norcal Approach until I got much closer to the Class C San Jose. I asked for flight following back to KHWD but since I had not planned nor studied the route before end, I decided to go south and underneath Class C. Controller was quite helpful and routed me all the way back in to KHWD. On final at HWD, a flock of bords were on 28R, I had to go around to avoid something bad from happening

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Average Speed: 79.3kts ● Path distance: 95.1NM
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